From conception to present day, the Lone Star Spartans have grown from a novel idea into a recognized team and force to be reckoned with. In 2013, Spartan Race held their famous Texas Beast in Glen Rose, Tx which was designed by the notorious Norm Koch. This race was also the Lone Star Spartans’ inaugural event with 93 Lone Star Spartans at the helm. Recognizing the potential and trajectory the team had, a more formal structure was needed. After taking votes in early 2014, the Lone Star Spartan Leadership Council was formed. This foundation of leadership is what helped establish a team many call their family.
“Shatter your limitations.” – Lone Star Spartans
Once the pieces were put in place, registration took off. The following Spartan Race event was held in Burnett, Tx and Texas’ first Super/Sprint weekend. The Lone Star Spartans brought 227 members for the Super and 297 for the Sprint the following day with over 200 members running both days. Many members rented out entire houses and compacted as many Spartans as they could, even taking in Elite racer Hobie Call.
The following race was the infamous Texas Beast coupled with a Spartan Sprint. This year’s registration of Lone Star Spartans reached a record of 372 members and easily taking Largest Team for the second year in a row. The following day 186 members ran the Texas Spartan Sprint. Many were looking to complete the first Lone Star Spartan Texas Trifecta and others were getting their first taste of what Spartan life is all about.
“Do or do not, there is no try.” – Jedi Master Yoda
In under 2 years, Spencer Rau and Paul Almanza created a group Facebook page with just a few dozen members. Since then, the team elected Paul Almanza as the Team Captain, whose responsibilities seem to be endless. Melissa Forbes-Hall and Ben Jernigan as merchandise leads who handle everything pertaining to all Lone Star Spartan apparel and organizing amazing party events. And myself, Andrew Ford, who handles social media and website content working wherever I can find free wifi and expensive coffee. Total members on the team group page are over 2,100 with over 1,500 on the Facebook fan page.
Now that the foundation has been laid and leadership in place the real fun began. Paul, Melissa and Ben worked tirelessly to source out quality products that would properly represent the Lone Star Spartans. Hundreds of hours have been spent ensuring the best was brought forth to the team. To also provide some ease in merchandise, a shopping cart was created so merchandise could be paid for and distributed. A nationwide calendar was added among other features. As the team continues to grow the services will become more refined.
“Anything is possible when you are a part of something greater than yourself.” – SHIELD Agent Phil Coulson
Next year will bring even more greatness. With set dates on back-to-back Spartan Race weekends in May, up-and-coming OCR event Battle Frog, Ragnar Trails and many more, rest assured this team will only continue to grow larger.